Teaching Scheme (in Hours)
Theory |
Tutorial |
Practical |
Total |
2 |
0 |
4 |
4 |
Subject Credit : 4
Examination Scheme (in Marks)
PA (M)
ESE Viva (V)
PA (I)
70 |
30 |
30 |
20 |
150 |
Syllabus Content
Unit-370: 1
Introduction to buildings, Classification of Buildings, Building Components, Principles of building planning, Orientation of building, Principles of architecture composition
Unit-370: 2
Building by–laws as per National Building Code, Building by–laws of local authority, Standards for Residential, Public, Commercial, Industrial And Institutional Buildings Planning, Planning of Earth Quake Resistant Building
Unit-370: 3
Elements of Building Drawing, Planning and Preparing working drawing of Residential Building with scale proportion, Layout of Public Building, Industrial Building etc., Provision of Building services (like water supply, drainage, electrification, etc.)
Unit-370: 4
Elements of perspective views, Types of perspective views, software application in building planning and building Drawing for 2D, 3D model generation
Unit-370: 5
Historical aspects and origin of Town Planning in the World and in India, Necessity of Civic surveys for Planning purpose, types, data and its presentation and analysis, Fundamental principles of Town Planning, Use of Soft Computing Tools for Town Planning
Unit-370: 6
Components of town such as Land use, Zones, Road Network, CBD, Neighbour hood planning, Development controls for new town planning schemes for growth negotiation, Formation of Slums, Causes of Slum formation, remedial measures for avoiding slum formation, Slum Clearance and Rehabilitation.