National Cadet Corps (NCC)
National Cadet Corps (NCC)
The National Cadet Corps (NCC) is the Indian military cadet corps. NCC is a Tri-Services Organization, comprising the Army, Navy and Air Force. It is engaged in grooming the youth of the country into disciplined and patriotic citizens. It is the organization which gives the Indian youth a glimpse of what it feels like to be an officer in the Indian armed forces. It is one of the largest reserve forces in the world.
For a student to be part of NCC activities during academic career is not only a matter of pride but also has many advantages in terms of development of overall personality. Participating in various NCC activities, learning its discipline, privileged of wearing the uniform and feeling associated with it, the respect you gets in the society, etc. earns reverence for you and makes you distinct among your peers.
Darshan University was awarded with NCC – Naval Unit with students Company of 50 Cadets in the year 2017. The NCC Unit at the Institute is under No. 8 Gujarat Naval Unit NCC - Jamnagar. In three years of NCC training cadets are given basic military training in small arms and parades, attend national camps and participate in various NCC activities at regional and national levels. They also take part in social services. Cadets are trained to nurture and uphold the sense of unity of India and to become responsible citizens of the nation. Institute provides an environment conducive for motivating qualities in all walks of life.
NCC Officer
Mr. Stavan J. Pandya
Care Taker Officer (CTO)
CTO (Care Taker Officer) is an important link in the NCC organization between the Battalion and the cadets. As a matter of fact, CTO is the feeder node of NCC since he is the one who is in direct contact with the cadets all throughout the year.

Ex Cadets (C-Certificate Holders)
NCC Events
Registration Process
- Registration is open for new entrants typically in Month of August/September every year. Announcement of the same is made on University Notice board.
- Students of 1st Semester are eligible for enrollment.
- Selection of candidates is on basis of physical test and personal interview.
- Contact NCC officer for more details.
- arrow_forward National Service Scheme (NSS)
- arrow_forward National Cadet Corps (NCC)
- arrow_forward Rifle Shooting Club
- arrow_forward Self Defence Club
- arrow_forward Unnat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA)
- arrow_forward Cultural Club
- arrow_forward Literature & Fine Arts Club
- arrow_forward Dance, Drama & Music Club
- arrow_forward Programming Club
- arrow_forward CAD Club
- arrow_forward Astronomy Club
Who we are?
Darshan University - having the foundation of its first Institution laid in 2009, and later on, established and consolidated under Gujarat Private Universities (Second Amendment) Act of 2021. It is one of the leading institutes within Saurashtra that offers Diploma, UG, PG and Doctoral Courses.