Training and Placement Cell

  • Training and Placement Cell

About T&P Cell

As someone has rightly quoted "Growth is never an event, It's process". This is the basic theme on which the T&P department of college runs.

Department enables students to understand their interest, their needs and how to visualize their goals correctly. The department plays a vital role to remove confusions and contradictions that may arise in the budding minds of students. In this competitive era, it has become imperative to create an environment where students take challenges as an opportunity to become a winner.

T&P department makes students understand possible challenges and obstacles one may have to face in long terms of a career in a particular field. Faculties of T&P department activate the minds of students and motivates them how to breakthrough challenges. A predominant role is to develop the necessary skill to build a career in a particular field. For this All the department actively arranges training. Recently, some of the training organized by departments are...

  • Soft skill program
  • Aptitude - An approach to learn Vedic mathematics and Reasoning
  • Group discussion
  • Mock interview sessions
  • How to write emails and use of correct grammar in emails

These kinds of the program will develop job-ready talents. Department also gives guidance to students for higher studies and arranges necessary expert talks for the same. Seminars and lectures are also conducted for students interested to appear in government exams. T & P departments not only facilitates placement of current final year students but also helps passed out students to provide better job profiles. For this department remains in contact with the HR department of companies.

Training & Placement Officer

Training & Placement Team