B.Tech. (Civil)
- B.Tech. (Civil)
- Laboratories
Transportation Engineering Lab
The tests to check the quality of materials being used for construction of flexible & rigid pavements are carried out in a transportation engineering laboratory; this includes various tests on soil, bitumen, emulsions, aggregate, bituminous mix, cement, concrete. Transport engineering laboratory bridges the design, construction, quality control, maintenance practices of road works with the factual knowledge of students.
Pavement Design
Traffic Survey
List of Apparatus
- Plate Bearing Test
- Speed Gun
- Marshal Stability Test
- Forol Viscometer
- Indirect Tensile Strength Test of Bituminous Mix
- Crushing Test Apparatus
- Benkelman Beam Deflection
- CBR Test
- Ductility Testing
- Say Bolt
- Abrasion Testing Machine
- Bitumen Extractor
- Roadometer

Concrete Technology Lab
To enhance the quality of workmanship properties of various materials used in civil engineering is of prime importance and this experiments to know the properties and behaviour of construction materials is carried out in Concrete Technology laboratory. This laboratory will provide knowledge of materials such as steel, cement, sand, aggregate, etc.
Concreate Mix Design
List of Apparatus
- Universal Testing Machine (400 kN)
- Loading Frame (500 kN)
- Triaxial Shear
- Proving Ring (2000 kN)
- Controlled Curing Tank
- Compression Testing Machine (200 kN)
- Strain Gauge Data Logger
- Load Cell
- Extension meter
- Manhole Cover Test

Geotech Lab
Geotechnical engineering laboratory is useful for carrying our practical related to properties of soil and sub-surface investigation which is of utmost importance in laying foundation of various civil engineering structures such as dams, roads, bridges and buildings. This laboratory will help students in identifying the type of soil and its load bearing capacities.
SBC Jobs
List of Apparatus
- Plate Load Test
- Standard Penetration Test
- Triaxial Shear
- Direct Shear
- Swelling Pressure Test
- Rapid Moisture Meter
- Compaction Test
- Sand Replacement
- Core Cutter
- Cone Penetrometer
- Hydrometer
- Specific Gravity
- Sieve Analysis
- Permeability

Mechanics of Solid Lab
Many materials are being used for construction, the prime importance of that material is its strength. i.e tensile, compression, shear, etc. can be tested in this laboratory. lab also deals with the application of physics rule, different force system as well as important phenomena centroid and mass moment of inertia for a solid body.
Material Testing
List of Apparatus
- Shake Table
- Various Simple Lifting Machines
- Izod Impact Tester
- Equilibrium Condition of Parallel Forces
- Centre of Gravity
- Parallelogram & Polygon Law of Forces
- Static & Dynamic Friction
- Moment of Inertia

Structural Analysis Lab
For being a good structural engineer there are two inherent qualities needed, that feel the forces and behaviour of structure accordingly. In our laboratory, we are having lots of practical models. These models improve subject knowledge as well as gives true visualization of structural member's behaviour under different loading conditions.
Structural Consultancy
List of Apparatus
- Bending Moment in Beam
- Elastic Properties of Deflected Beam
- Behaviour of Column and Struts
- Pin Joint Truss
- Redundant Joint Truss
- Shear Force in a Beam
- Verification of Clerk’s Maxwell Reciprocal Theorem
- Three Hinged Arch
- Portal Frame
- Deflection of Truss

Surveying Lab
Surveying is needed in every type of civil engineering project, as in every civil work we have to deal with measurements of length and height. In our lab we have the various equipment of all three generations of measurement catering the requirement of every nature and type of survey works from simple metric chain to most Modern Total Station.
List of Apparatus
- Total Station
- Theodolite
- Auto Level
- Plane Table
- Prismatic Compass
- Open Cross-staff
- Levelling Staff
- Surveyor’s Compass
- Box Sextant
- Planimeter
- Optical Square
- Line Ranger
- Prism Square

Building Construction Lab
Building construction laboratory comprises of numerous working model of structures to help students identify each element of building during and post construction. This lab also helps students in getting primary idea of comparative shapes and sizes of various building elements such doors and windows.
List of Apparatus
- Piles
- Footing and Foundation
- Model of Roofs
- Model of different types of doors and window
- Evaporation Pan
- Rain Gauge
- Models of Bricks
- Silt Ejector
- Sedimentation Tank
- Sluice Gate
- Gravity Dam
- Canal Drop
- Imhoff Tank
- Syphon Aqueduct
- Flocculator
- Raking Support

Environment Lab
The Environmental Engineering Laboratory is used for standard test methods and equipment for the measurement of important environmental parameters. It is also used for examining the physical, chemical, and bacteriological characteristics of water and wastewater, which are important in the design of treatment facilities and in the provision of acceptable water quality standards. Environmental engineering lab helps in preventing air, water, and noise pollution. As a result of these tests, various remedies can be suggested to reduce environmental pollution.
Environmental Audit
List of Apparatus
- Stack Monitoring Kit
- Respirable Dust Sampler
- Testo-350 Flue Gas Analyzer
- pH meter
- Turbidity meter
- Kjdhal Assembly
- Microscopet
- Raking Support
- Analytical Balance (0.01 mg accuracy)
- UV Spectrophotometer
- Hot Air Oven
- COD Digester
- BOD Incubator
- Syphon Aqueduct
- Flocculator

Who we are?
Darshan University - having the foundation of its first Institution laid in 2009, and later on, established and consolidated under Gujarat Private Universities (Second Amendment) Act of 2021. It is one of the leading institutes within Saurashtra that offers Diploma, UG, PG and Doctoral Courses.