Industrial visit at Seasons Hotel was organized by the School of Management for MBA Students
01 Dec 2021
Industrial visit was held at seasons hotel coordinated by Dr. Navjyot Raval, Prof. Ram Bharada and Prof. Kinjal Thaker & organized by the School of Management for the 1st Semester Students of MBA on 1st December, 2021.
Students came to know & learned about Front desk, Back office, F & B department, Informational technology and systems, Sales, Marketing, Training & Development oriented work practical and real implementation of job roles, importance of communication in organization and working culture of Hospitality, Hotel and other Managerial activities. Students get practical exposure and they relate it with theories and understand the Market scenario.
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Darshan University - having the foundation of its first Institution laid in 2009, and later on, established and consolidated under Gujarat Private Universities (Second Amendment) Act of 2021. It is one of the leading institutes within Saurashtra that offers Diploma, UG, PG and Doctoral Courses.