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One Week Skill Development Activities

  15 Jan 2022

Department of Electrical Engineering has tradition to conduct the one-week skill development activities on various topics at the starting of every semester. This time department has conducted activities on Arduino, Electricity Bill Calculation, Electrical Motor & Pump Testing and Electrical Measurement.

Arduino is considered as the base of the automation in domestic applications and upto certain extent in industrial process. Students got opportunities to explore the hardware and software of Arduino in addition to the sensors used for variety of applications. The hands-on sessions were conducted and students understood the key role of sensor, microcontroller board, driver circuits, interfacing techniques, writing codes and execute them on the hardware.

Electricity has become the vital part of the day to day life. It is important for an electrical engineer to know about the calculation of electricity consumption based on the load utilized in the domestic and industrial premises. Students could relate the different electrical terminologies with the practical aspects. 

Measurement is very vast field for electrical engineer. During the Measurement activity, students got opportunity to operated hi-tech measurement instruments which are specially designed for the industrial purpose. They also learn to connect the meters with the electrical networks and observe the important electrical parameter.

Motor is to be considered as the backbone of mechanical industry. Motor and Pump Testing Activity has provided a brief insight about the practical aspects of testing the key element, electrical motor. Students could learn about the many tests required to be performed as per specified national and international standards about the motor and pump.


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