Industrial Visit at Falcon Pumps Pvt. Ltd. in Association with BIS Standard Club, Rajkot
08 Jul 2022
Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Standard Club and Darshan University, Rajkot has organized an industrial visit at “Falcon Pump Pvt. Ltd.” on the date 08th July 2022. The objective of organizing such an event is to create awareness about the importance of BIS standard club activities like standard formation, standard certification & licensing procedures to the students. Initially, Mr. Aman Singh (BIS Promoting Officer) & Mr. Dhanraj Karad Sir (Scientist – B) from BIS has introduced the establishment of BIS standards and after that, they brought the students to visit the industry premises. In the industry premises, they helped students understand the practical application of the BIS standards in the industry.
Who we are?
Darshan University - having the foundation of its first Institution laid in 2009, and later on, established and consolidated under Gujarat Private Universities (Second Amendment) Act of 2021. It is one of the leading institutes within Saurashtra that offers Diploma, UG, PG and Doctoral Courses.