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Sci-PiE - A Poster Design Competition

  03 May 2023

As a part of celebration of National Science Day (28th February) and Pi Day (14th March), the Department of Humanities and Science had organized Sci-PiE, a poster design competition on 18th March’23 for the 1st year students of various institues such as DIET, DIETDS, DICA, DIM, DIS. More than 70 students have prepared the poster on different topics of science like The Development of Robotics and AI, Astrology, Save Environment, String Theory, Black Hole, Vedic Mathematics, Wireless Electricity, Mental Health Issue, Ancient Indian Invention and Discovery, Dynamic Programing, English-Calligraphy, Ramanujan's Magic Square, etc. Top three posters were facilitated with prize money and certificates.

List of Winners are given below: 

1st Rank --> Merchant Hatim (22010101116) and Mundrawala Burhanuddin M. (22010101467)

2nd Rank --> Nair Thejas S. (22010101468) and Tank Jash R. (22010101188)

3rd Rank --> Kalola Krisha T. (22010101081)

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