About Humanities & Science Department

  • About Humanities & Science Department

About Department

Our overall objective is to strengthen the unique interdisciplinary nature of the Department. As known, our university has always meant to impart training not merely in the fundamentals of science and technology but also in the area of innovative thinking. This is likely to be of utmost importance in a rapidly changing world where the nature of knowledge has been transformed almost beyond recognition. It is here that the Humanities & Science contributes to the profile of our students.

The Department of Humanities and Sciences plays a unique and distinctive role in the university where the ethos of science and technology prevails. It is believed that engineering and science are, by their very own nature, humanistic and socially derived enterprises. Hence a complete science and technology education must include Pure and Applied sciences where the students unite application of scientific principles along with human, moral and social understanding.

The Department of Humanities and Sciences is multidisciplinary in its orientation. Coupled with this background, the Department boasts of a highly diverse and experienced faculty members’. It provides an amalgamation of the subjects like Physics, Mathematics and Communicative skills enhancement papers. It has an excellent student-teacher ratio, providing opportunities for academically intense learning. This allows students to develop an appreciation for a very diverse set of fields.

Whatever their individual branches of scholarship; it is the concern of all the faculties teaching in these areas to continue to meet and to extend the intellectual challenges projected in their domains and further to use it for the knowledge enhancement of learners’.

Within a Department like ours, authentic contributions to research and to on-going debates in ethics, cultural anthropology, cognition, ideology, development policy, organizational behaviour and economic activity and indeed to the nature of theory itself are crucial.


In the department, we take extra care to pay individual attention to the students. In their laboratory work, project work and problem sessions, students are encouraged to develop an innovative and analytical approach towards subject learning. The faculty members are very active in extension programs, in reaching out to students and the general public, through the aid of various social activities. The Department has highly active and vibrant faculty members committed to impart high-quality research standards in pure and applied areas of physics and also train students to become competent and motivated engineers.


The department caters to the university's need and demand in various levels of B.Tech. and M. Tech. students. Both the courses work in providing depth and breadth to the programs offered by the university. The department plays a pivotal role in being the cornerstone of university's vision of providing students holistic development. We hand-hold our students in developing their analytic skills so that they thrive professionally. Our department is involved in all three aspects of a higher seat of learning namely, Teaching, Research, and Extension; thereby we are linked with our people and our society.

Communication skills

Employing an indigenous toolset of holistic approach towards the blending of communication and skills, this course enables the students’ to achieve confidence in the use of second language acquisition. Our university has been serving in the construction of well-bred, aptly linguistically trained engineering students’ since time long. The department aims at providing a stage and platform to enhance the speaking, listening, reading and writing skills by offering ample of audio-visual techniques. The trained faculties cater to the needs of the students’ and foster their abilities.

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