Dr. Pradyumansinh Jadeja
Faculty of Department of Computer Science and Engineering
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Dr. Pradyumansinh Jadeja
ProfessorPh.D., M.E. (CE)
(M): +91 - 9879461848
(O): 9727747317 - pradyuman.jadeja@darshan.ac.in
- C-303
Dr. Pradyumansinh Jadeja has completed BE Information Technology from VVP Engineering College, ME Computer Engineering from BVM Vallabh Vidyanagar, and Ph.D. from Nirma University in the field of Web Mining using Machine Learning Techniques. Dr. Jadeja has a professional experience of over 15 years (Academia and Industry).
He is a coordinator of the incubation center ASWDC (App, Software & Website Development Center). He is also the guide & facilitator of the ASP.Net Technology Projects. He is actively involved in the design and development of Institute MIS, Institute Website & Mobile App Development.
Area of Specialization
- Data Structure, Web Mining, Artificial Intelligent, Operating System, .Net, Database Management System
Subjects Taught
- Operating System, Data & File Structure, Database Management System, .Net, Web Application Development
Current Activities
- IQAC Coordinator, Coordinator - Software and Website Development Center
Qualification | Specialization | Institute / University | Passing Year |
Ph.D | Nirma University, Ahmedabad | December 2018 | |
M.E. | Computer Engineering |
B.V.M. Engineering College, V.V.Nagar
Sardar Patel University |
January 2007 |
B.E. | Information Technology |
V.V.P. Engineering College, Rajkot
Saurashtra University |
June 2004 |
Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology
Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
IT Industry
Sr. Developer
G H Patel College of Engineering & Technology
International Conference
, Darshanaben Pandya, Abhijeetsinh Jadeja, Sanjay Gour, Saumil B. Trivedi, Hansaben Haribhai Patel
Jaipur Engineering College & Research Centre
(ISSN/ISBN No: 978-981-97-3990-5)
Year: 2024
Dr. Pradyumansinh U. Jadeja, Dr. Ketan Kotecha
IEEE PuneCon 2018 (International Conference on Data Science and Analytics)
Year: 2018
International Journal
Prof. Firoz Ahamadbhai Sherasiya, Dr. Pradyumansinh U. Jadeja
Roman Science Publications Ins.
(ISSN/ISBN No: 2633-4828)
Year: 2023
, Volume: 5
Dr. Pradyumansinh U. Jadeja, Dr. Ketan Kotecha
International Journal of IT & Knowledge Management
(ISSN/ISBN No: : 0973-4414)
Year: 2018
, Volume: Volume 11 • Issue 2
Dr. Pradyumansinh U. Jadeja, Dr. Ketan Kotecha
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET)
(ISSN/ISBN No: 0976-6480)
Year: 2017
, Volume: Volume 8, Issue 6
Dr. Pradyumansinh U. Jadeja
International Journal of Engineering Development and Research
(ISSN/ISBN No: 2321-9939)
Year: 2015
, Volume: Volume 3, Issue 2
Who we are?
Darshan University - having the foundation of its first Institution laid in 2009, and later on, established and consolidated under Gujarat Private Universities (Second Amendment) Act of 2021. It is one of the leading institutes within Saurashtra that offers Diploma, UG, PG and Doctoral Courses.