About Computer Science & Engineering Department

  • About Computer Science & Engineering Department

About Department

A computer engineer, also known as a software engineer, is responsible for designing, developing, testing and evaluating the software that makes our computers work. This involves designing and coding new programs and applications to meet the needs of a business or an individual. A computer engineer may also be responsible for constructing and managing an organization's computer system.

Computer Science & Engineering Department @DU is highly reputed in academics and industry. It is well known for its integrity, faculties, placement, infrastructure, industry linkage and apps development. The environment of the department is friendly and professional. Students can access resources any time, faculties are available round the clock. In a nutshell, it's a dream place for study and holistic development.


The department is proud to announce its ASWDC - Apps, Software & Website Development Center. The centre fulfils the software & website requirements of the College. Some of the ASWDC developed programs are DLib – Darshan Library Management Software, TTMS – Time Table Management Software, Fees Collection Software, Attendance Manager, etc. A team of faculty and students has developed iPhone, Android and Windows APPS for the library, Students details for parents (DParent) and Engineering Admission (ACPC).

Post Graduate Research Centers

The department has started the Master's in Computer Science & Engineering from the year 2013, intending to encourage the research activities in core computing and application projects.

Research activities in diverse areas will offer students a wide range of opportunities to gain experience while completing requirements for pursuing advanced degrees. Significant computational facilities, networks and other resources are available to support student research.

Infrastructure Highlights

850+ Higher End Configuration Computers of HP, Lenovo & Acer Brand

10+ Intel Xeon & ProLiant Servers of HP

120 Mbps Dedicated Internet Leased Line from BlazeNet

50+ Laser Printers, 50+ Network Switches, 15+ UPSs

Campus Wide Fiber Optic Cable Network

Wi-Fi enabled Campus

Apple Mac Mini & Mac Book for iPhone Programming

Microsoft Campus License for all Microsoft Software, Cybroam Subscription

Research & Innovation Center for PG

IOT & AI Innovation Center

12 - Language Labs

15 - Android/iOS Testing Devices

1500+ - E-Books (Digital Library)

600+ - Subjects Books (Department Library)