Dr. Mehul Chaurasia

Faculty of Department of Humanities & Science

Mehul Arunbhai Chaurasia - Darshan University, Rajkot

Dr. Mehul Chaurasia

Assistant Professor
Ph.D. Mathematics, M.Phil. Mathematics
Experience 10+ Years
Working Since Jan-2024

  • (M): +91 - 9879282804
    (O): 9727747320
  • mehul.chaurasia@​darshan.ac.in
  • A-304


Dr. Mehul A. Chaurasia has done
[1] Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from H & H.B. Kotak Institute of Science, Saurashtra University, Rajkot in 2010
[2] Master of Science in Mathematics from Department of Mathematics, Saurashtra University, Rajkot in 2013
[3] Bachelor of Education in Maths - Science from S. J. Thakkar College, Saurashtra University, Rajkot in 2010
[4] Master of Philosophy in Mathematics from Department of Mathematics, Saurashtra University, Rajkot in 2016
[5] Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics from Department of Mathematics, Saurashtra University, Rajkot in 2022

Area of Specialization
Graph Theory
Subjects Taught
Group Theory (501)
Group Theory (602)
Graph Theory (603)
, Classical Mechanics (EMT - 1001)
Classical Mechanics (EMT- 2001)
Financial Mathematics (EMT - 4001)
ADMA( Academy of Discrete Mathematics and Applications)- Life Time


Qualification Specialization Institute / University Passing Year
Ph.D Mathematics Department of Mathematics
Saurashtra University
May 2022
M.Phil Mathematics Department of Mathematics
Saurashtra University
May 2016
B.Ed. Math.- Science S J Thakkar College Rajkot
Saurashtra University
December 2014
M.Sc. Mathematics Department of Mathematics
Saurashtra University
April 2013
B.Sc. Mathematics H & H B Kotak Inst. of Science, Rajkot
Saurashtra University
April 2010


Jan - 2024 to Jul - 2024

Darshan Institute of Engineering and Technology

Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities & Science

Jan - 2014 to Jan - 2024

Shree H. N. Shukla College of IT and Management, Rajkot

Assistant Professor


Research Paper

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